This website is operated and maintained by Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd. When a user or visitor accesses, browses or uses the BIO-SAKURA ( ;Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website, he or she should first confirm the terms and conditions of use set forth herein and access, browse or use the BIO-SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website only after he or she has agreed to such terms and conditions. In the event that a user or visitor does not agree to the terms and conditions of use set forth herein, BIO-SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) does not allow use of the BIO- SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website or any of its subsites. By entering and using the BIO-SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website, users and visitors to the DIC Website are deemed to have agreed to strictly comply to the terms and conditions set forth herein and all applicable laws.
Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd. may change or modify the terms and conditions of use at any time without prior notice. Users and visitors are requested to check the updated terms and conditions of use.
1. Copyrights, Trademarks and Other Rights
All materials and content on the BIO-SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website, including, but not limited to, diagrams and graphs, illustrations, pictures, text, files, programs, images, company logos, product logos, trademarks, standard marks of groups or organizations (collectively, the "Content") are protected under copyright, trademark and other laws and conventions, and Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd owns the rights and powers to use such Content.Users and visitors may not use the Content of the BIO-SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website (including, but not limited to, using, copying, distributing, reproducing, converting, modifying or selling), without the prior written consent of Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd. However, this restriction does not apply to any copying or quotations that are for the personal or non-commercial use by a user or visitor, in his or her home, or which are clearly allowed under applicable laws and regulations. Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd cannot guarantee that the use of the Content by a user or visitor does not infringe upon the rights of any third parties. In this case, the provisions in section 3 below entitled "Disclaimer" will apply.
2. Links
Users and visitors may not link to the BIO-SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website without the consent of Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd. If a user or visitor wishes to link to the BIO-SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website, such user or visitor should contact Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd by clicking below at "Inquiries" and submitting the information set forth below. Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd will review the information and revert accordingly. Please note that Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd reserves the right to refuse any links with the BIO-SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website if Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd judges the same to be unsuitable.
Websites of third parties that may be linked to or from the BIO-SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website are not operated or maintained by Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd. and Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd is not liable for the content of such websites nor for any damages that may arise in connection with the use of the same.
3. Disclaimer
Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd reserves the right at any time and without notice, to carry out any of the actions below. Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd shall in no way be liable to any user or visitor for any damages whatsoever incurred in connection therewith.
a) Add, remove or modify the contents or information published on or available through the
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b) Suspend or terminate the operation of the Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd Website or any
Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd makes no representations or warranties of any kind to any users or visitors or any other parties related to the BIO-SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website and any subsites. Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd shall in no way be liable for any trouble, harm, damages or losses incurred, directly or indirectly (including, but not limited to, malfunctions with the computer or any peripheral equipment or network systems of a user or visitor) arising out of the access of the BIO-SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website or any subsites by users or visitors, or the use of any information published on or available through the BIO-SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website or any subsites, including, but not limited to, the following:
a) The accuracy, timeliness, completeness or non-infringement of the information published on
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b) The fitness for a particular use of each of the individual users or visitors of the BIO- SAKURA
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The use and viewing of the BIO-SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website is at the risk of each user or visitor. Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd, nor any of the associated companies of Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd which are involved in the production or dissemination of the BIO-SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website, shall in no way be liable for any damages or losses incurred (including, but limited to, damage or harm to the computer or network system of any users or visitors, directly or indirectly) or any costs related to the repair of the same, arising out of the access or use of the BIO-SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website or any subsites or the Content of the same by users or visitors
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In the event that any type of ID or password is issued to a user or visitor in relation to the BIO- SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website, such user or visitor shall be fully responsible for managing the same. Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd may deem all actions involving the ID and/or password issued to a user or visitor to constitute the actions of such user or visitor; and in the event of any impropriety, such user or visitor shall be fully liable and Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd shall have no liability whatsoever. Users and visitors should be advised that in the event that any of the information that a user or visitor provides to Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd in connection with the issuance of any ID and/or password is determined to be false or misleading, or to be that of another party, or other improprieties are discovered, Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd may terminate the use of the ID and/or password.
5. Supplied Information
Any material or information that a user or visitor posts, proposes or supplies on the BIO- SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website that does not include personal data ("Supplied Information") will be treated as non-confidential. Users and visitors agree that Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd or its affiliates may use such Supplied Information freely and each user and visitor guarantees that the use of the same will not infringe on the rights of any third parties.
6. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
Any disputes arising out of or in connection with the use of the BIO-SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website or the Content thereof shall be governed by the laws of Japan and unless otherwise provided, the Tokyo District Court shall have jurisdiction as the court of first instance.
Privacy Policy
Basic Policy for the Protection of Personal Data
Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd shall work to strictly abide by all laws and regulations in relation to the protection of personal data, and to maintain a structure for the protection of collected personal data based upon the policy set forth below.
1. Personal data shall be obtained by lawful and fair means and the purposes for which they are
to be used shall be specified.
2. Personal data shall be relevant to the purposes for which they are to be used, and, to the
extent necessary for those purposes, should be accurate, complete and kept up-to-date.
3. Personal data shall not be used for purposes other than those specified, except by the
authority of law.
4. Personal data shall be protected by reasonable security safeguards.
5. An individual shall have the right to have personal data relating to him or her disclosed to him
or her, and to have such personal data erased, rectified, completed or amended if necessary.
6. Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd shall appoint a data controller who shall be accountable for
complying with measures which give effect to the principles stated above.
Handling of Personal Data
1. Purpose of Using Personal Data
When Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd collects personal data, it shall only use such personal data for the following purposes to the extent necessary in order to carry out its business activities. In the event that the personal data is to be used for purposes other than those listed below, Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd will contact the relevant individuals separately to that effect through correspondence sent by mail, electronic mail or facsimile, or on the individual websites.
(1) To respond to inquiries regarding our business or products.
(2) To send materials or products in response to a request regarding our business or products.
(3) To provide guidance and supporting information regarding our business or products.
(4) To allow Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd to conduct its own surveys and to reflect the results
of the same on its business and products.
(5) To confirm the payment method and payment status for users of the for-fee services operated
by Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd.
2. Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties
Except for the following seven situations, Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd will not disclose the collected personal data of users to third parties.In the event that the personal data is to be disclosed to third parties other than in those situations listed below, Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd will contact the relevant individuals separately to that effect through correspondence sent by mail, electronic mail or facsimile, or on the individual websites.
(1) When such personal data is requested by the authority of law.
(2) When such personal data is provided to relevant third-parties to the extent necessary in order
to achieve the purpose of using the personal data.
(3) When we disclose such necessary personal data to relevant third-parties in order to respond
to inquiries from the concerned individual.
(4) When we disclose such necessary personal data to relevant third-parties in order to send
materials requested by the concerned individual.
(5) When we disclose such necessary personal data to relevant third-parties in order to provide
various types of information such as introductory and support information regarding our
(6) When we make inquiries to the relevant agencies in order to confirm the payment method and
payment status for users of the for-fee services operated by Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd.
(7) When we make inquiries to the relevant agencies out of necessity in order to safeguard the
life, personal safety or property of the individuals or other parties.
3. Changes
Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd may modify its handling of personal data at any time based upon factors such as changes to the content of its business or the services provided by the company. In this case, Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd will post the most-recent policy on a regular basis in its website.
4. Inquiries Regarding Personal Data
If a user requests the eraser, rectification, completion or amendment of personal data relating to him or her, Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd shall respect the wishes of such individual and accommodate the same to a reasonable extent
Handling of Personal Data Collected from the BIO-SAKURA
(Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) Website
Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd shall strive to handle personal data provided by visitors to BIO- SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) website in a prudent manner and to preserve the privacy of such data, as set forth above in “Basic Policy for the Protection of Personal Data” and “Handling of Personal Data,” as well as in the items listed below.
1. Use of Cookies and Other Technologies to Collect Information
The BIO-SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) website collects IP addresses and information related to visitors’ website usage by using cookies and other technologies. DIC may correlate this information with other information that identifies visitors with the purpose of providing content personalized to reflect visitors’ specific interests and preferences (including displaying or introducing recommended products and services), improving products and services, and compiling usage statistics. Visitors have the option of blocking cookies by modifying their browser settings. Please note that certain services on the BIO-SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) website may not function if browser settings are modified to not accept cookies.
2. Scope of Application
“Basic Policy for the Protection of Personal Data,” “Handling of Personal Data” and “Handling of Personal Data Collected from the DIC Website” do not apply to websites that are linked to or from the BIO-SAKURA (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd) website. Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd takes no responsibility for the handling of personal data on websites operated by third parties.
GS Alliance Co.,Ltd. (Fuji Pigment Co.,Ltd. Group)
2-22-11 Obana Kawanishi city Hyogo 666-0015 Japan
TEL:+81-72-759-8543 / +81-72-759-8501 FAX:+81-72-759-9008