BIO-SAKURA is the cutting edge advanced new materials for next generation.
The ultimate aim for BIO-SAKURA is to reduce plastic pollution as much as possible and even to exterminate plastic pollution.
The main concept of BIO-SAKURA is that they are composed of 100 % nature biomass derived biodegradable resin material and no petroleum is used.
NANO-SAKURA has various type of biodegradable materials based on composite technology with nano cellulose, and various type of biomass waste such as plant, tree, waste wood, bamboo, waste paper etc…In addition, we also have starch based biodegradable resin and cellulose based biodegradable materials which is very environmentally friendly because they are non-edible biomass resource.
100% Nature Biomass Non-petroleum
Biodegradable Materials
Basic Properties
※Depends on type of mixed resin.
increase strength / light weight / low thermal expansion / higher heat durability / low dimensional stability / increase crystallinity / increase biodegradability / absorbing property / gas barrier property / viscosity thickener / scaffold for functional materials / biocompatibility / high surface area / recyclable / sustainable
Petroleum 0
100 % Nature
Biomass derived Biodegradable Material
No CO2 Emission
Biodegradable Resin
BIO-SAURA has acquired Green Pla, Biomass Pla certificate from JBPA
(Japan BioPlastic Association).
BIO-SAURA has more registered certificate than indicated below. Below is just one of example Greenpla, Biomass Pla registered number.
No. 1138
No. 359
First of all, our basic concept is that we make biodegradable resin materials with only 100 % nature biomass based resin materials, no petroleum. In human history, people have been producing and using petroleum based plastic such as polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP). They are very convenient because they are strong, and easy to manufacture mold products with mass production level. In contrast, recently focused bioplastic, biodegradable plastics are generally mechanically weak, and difficult to manufacture mold products with mass production level, when compared to petroleum based plastic. In this regard, we tried to improve the mechanical strength and molding property of biodegradable resin while keeping 100 % nature biomass characteristic, by studying additive, compositing technology. And with our resin, mass production is possible with normal injection machine and blow machine, with 100 % nature biomass composition.
Moreover, nano cellulose + resin composite technology is another important feature of our technology.
Cellulose is the most abundant biomass organic substance on this planet. Nano cellulose can be made by breaking cellulose into nano size (1 nano meter = 1 / 1000000000 meter). In order to create nano cellulose / resin composite, hydrophilic nano cellulose needs to be properly mixed into hydrophobic resins. This is very difficult technology and this was one of great technological achievement of our company (Green Science Alliance Co.,Ltd.).
Basic concept of BIO-SAKURA is that they are made of 100 % nature biomass and contains no petroleum based material. (Precisely, Green Science Alliance Co., Ltd. have nano cellulose + petroleum based plastic composite for industrial purpose, for individual customer, we only supply 100 % nature biomass resin grade). As products, we have nano cellulose + 100 % nature based biodegradable resin, biomass waste (plant, wood, tree, bamboo, waste wood, waste paper etc…) composite biodegradable resin. We also have starch based biodegradable resin, cellulose based biodegradable resin (cellulose is non-edible biomass resource). Also, inorganic material composite biodegradable resin. Furthermore, we also have color masterbatch made of biodegradable resin + nano cellulose composite.
Our Brand
To reduce the harmful effect to the global environment, to reduce plastic pollution and ultimately exterminate the plastic, those were the facts that we have been focusing the most. Petroleum based plastics have been used for many years and supported human life over century nowadays. However, it strictly and urgently needs to be reduced or changed to new material which is environmentally friendly because plastic pollution is becoming serious issue such as marine micro plastic problem. We will continue to improve the quality of BIO-SAKURA to even more harmless to the environment.
We have been concerned about plastic pollution problem since long before. We should create innovational new material which is completely different from ordinally plastic, more environmentally friendly, harmless to the environment… Those were the reasons for creating BIO-SAKURA. After uncountable times of failures, we have finally succeeded in making new innovative material for practical use. We have named “SAKURA”, as everybody knows that beautiful lovely blossoms. To wish BIO-SAKURA brand to prosper to the world…