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1. BIO-SAKURA Technology

First of all, the main concept of BIO-SAKURA is that material is composed of 100 % nature biomass made, no petroleum.  In human history, people have been producing and using petroleum based plastic such as polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP).  They are very convenient because they are strong, and easy to manufacture mold products with mass production level.  In contrast, recently focused biodegradable resins are generally mechanically weak, and difficult to manufacture mold products with mass production level, when compared to petroleum based plastic.  Most of the times, biodegradable resins have less heat durability, lower crystallinity, lower gas barrier properties too compared to petroleum based plastic.  In this regard, we tried to improve the mechanical strength and molding property of biodegradable resin while keeping 100 % nature biomass characteristic, by studying additive, compositing technology.  And with our resin, mass production is possible with normal injection machine and blow machine, with 100 % nature biomass composition.  We try to make biodegradable resin materials as environmentally friendly as possible, that is BIO-SAKURA technology. 

BIO-SAKURA | new materials for next generation | reduce plastic pollution
BIO-SAKURA | new materials for next generation | reduce plastic pollution

One of the key technologies to achieve such issue, is nano cellulose technology. Cellulose is the most abundant biomass organic substance on this planet.  Nano cellulose can be made by breaking cellulose into nano size (1 nano meter = 1 / 1000000000 meter).   In order to create nano cellulose / resin composite, hydrophilic nano cellulose needs to be properly mixed into hydrophobic resins.  This is very difficult technology and this was one of great technological achievement of our company.

BIO-SAKURA | new materials for next generation | reduce plastic pollution
BIO-SAKURA | new materials for next generation | reduce plastic pollution

The relation of “nano cellulose” and “resins” is like “water” and “oil”

Highly advanced composite technology to mix nano cellulose and various type of resins uniformly. 

Hydrophilic to hydrophobic process

BIO-SAKURA | new materials for next generation | reduce plastic pollution
BIO-SAKURA | new materials for next generation | reduce plastic pollution
BIO-SAKURA | new materials for next generation | reduce plastic pollution

CNF:Cellulose Nano Fiber

All of plants, woods on this planet is mainly composed of cellulose, hemi cellulose and lignin.  Nano cellulose can be obtained by breaking down cellulose into nano size level.  When nano cellulose is appropriately mixed with resins, functionality such as mechanical strength, heat durability, crystallinity, gas barrier property, dimension stability would be improved.  Thermal expansion will be lowered.  On top of that, biodegradability of composite material will be enhanced by mixing with biomass derived nano cellulose.  Nano cellulose is intensively developed in all over the world nowadays as they can be next generation resin filler material after glass fiber and carbon fiber. 

Nano cellulose from tree

BIO-SAKURA | new materials for next generation | reduce plastic pollution
BIO-SAKURA | new materials for next generation | reduce plastic pollution

2. Composite technology with various type of biomass recycle waste such as waste wood, wood powder, bamboo, waste paper etc…

Green Science Alliance Co., Ltd. make composite material with various type of biomass recycle waste such as waste wood, wood powder, bamboo, cassava waste, bagasse, sugarcane waste etc… Try to utilize all of biomass resources on planet.

BIO-SAKURA | new materials for next generation | reduce plastic pollution
BIO-SAKURA | new materials for next generation | reduce plastic pollution

3. Starch based Biodegradable resin

Green Science Alliance Co., Ltd. not only make composite material, we also make biodegradable resin itself. One of the material is starch based biodegradable resin. 

Not to mention this material is also composed of 100 % nature biomass.

4. Cellulose based Biodegradable Resin

Another biodegradable resin is made from non-edible biomass resource, cellulose, cellulose based biodegradable resin.  Generally, biodegradable resins are made from edible biomass resources such as corn, sugarcane, potatoes, cereals etc... so that there will be a problem due to human population explosion because they are also human foods. Therefore, it is ideal to make biodegradable resin from non-edible biomass resources, which is the cellulose.  Cellulose is the most abundant organic resources more than petroleum on earth.  Green Science Alliance Co., Ltd. had developed biodegradable resin made from this cellulose.  Not to mention this material is also composed of 100 % nature biomass.  It should noted that even this material is expanded and supplied in huge quantity in the world market, it is not necessary to cut down new trees because they can be basically made from waste wood.  Therefore, we believe that this cellulose based biodegradable resin is most environmentally friendly biodegradable resin material.

BIO-SAKURA | new materials for next generation | reduce plastic pollution
BIO-SAKURA | new materials for next generation | reduce plastic pollution

5. Biodegradable resin for molding in the

mass production level.

In general, it is very difficult to manufacture molding products in the mass production level with biodegradable resin, when compared to petroleum based plastic.  However, we have made 100% nature biomass based biodegradable resin which can enable user to manufacture molding products in a mass production level with normal injection and blow molding machines.

6. Color composite technology

Our base company Fuji Pigment Co., Ltd. has been researching and manufacturing various type of color materials over 80 years and have many experiences.  We have combined technologies of both Fuji Pigment Co., Ltd. and Green Science Alliance Co., Ltd. and made biodegradable color masterbatch.

Based on above technologies and products, we will keep chasing to create new environmentally friendly products.

BIO-SAKURA | new materials for next generation | reduce plastic pollution


Classification of Plastic

not biodegradable

Renewable Resource such as Biomass

Bip Plastic


PLA(poly lactic acid)


Starch Based Plastic

Cellulose Based Plastic   etc…


Bio-PP (polypropylene)

Bio-PU (polyurethane)

Bio-PA (polyamide)  etc…

PVC(poly vinyl chloride)
PET(polyethylene terephthalate)
ABS etc...

PCL(poly caprolactone)
PVA(polyvinyl alcohol)
PBS(polybutylene succinate)
PBAT(polybutadiene adipate terephthalate)
(polyethylene terephthalate succinate)etc...

Petroleum based resource

Biodegradable Plastic


Renewable Resource such as Biomass

Biodegradable Plastic

not biodegradable

Bip Plastic

PLA(poly lactic acid)


Starch Based Plastic

Cellulose Based Plastic   etc…

PVC(poly vinyl chloride)
PET(polyethylene terephthalate)
ABS etc...

PCL(poly caprolactone)
PVA(polyvinyl alcohol)
PBS(polybutylene succinate)
PBAT(polybutadiene adipate terephthalate)
(polyethylene terephthalate succinate)etc...

Petroleum based resource


Bio-PP (polypropylene)

Bio-PU (polyurethane)

Bio-PA (polyamide)  etc…


At the moment, our main biodegradable resin is PLA (polylactic acid).  It is said that PLA biodegrades in a couple of weeks at composing condition and becomes water and CO2 at the end.  However, it takes about a couple of years in a soil, and takes closed to 10 years in marine environment, to decompose by biodegradation.  Our products contains nano cellulose so that biodegradation period is shorter than above numbers and we have proved these facts experimentally before.  Of course PLA biodegrades more than petroleum based plastic such as polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) etc… Even though, we recommend users not to discard too much.  We will be happy if our products users do not throw away our products easily.  Our products are biodegradable although at the same time possess durability to some extent.  Therefore, we recommend users to wash with water and reuse them as long as our products is usable. 


Furthermore, our starch based biodegradable resin and cellulose based biodegradable resin, they are more biodegradable than PLA resin and decompose easily.  They could biodegrades easily even in a soil and marine environment.  The biodegradation time in a soil and marine ocean environment is under testing in our company.  We will keep chasing to create environmentally friendly biodegradable material as much as possible.

BIO-SAKURA | new materials for next generation | reduce plastic pollution
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